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Choice of english cocker spaniel puppy

Choice of english cocker spaniel puppy
Choice of english cocker spaniel puppyEnglish Cocker Spaniel is an active, kind and very gentle dog. This cute baby will never let his owners get bored. This is a small lump of happiness - it is cheerful and lively, constantly wagging its tail, will become a great friend and a devoted companion for the whole family. You do not have to be a specialist in training to teach the English Cocker Spaniel to execute commands - he is complaisant, obedient and smart. His beautiful expressive eyes are so irresistible that it is almost impossible for him to refuse anything.
English Cocker Spaniel is one of the breeds with the highest intelligence, easily amenable to training and learning. This breed is perfect for living in a large family.

Before getting a puppy, the cocker spaniel must obtain the consent of all family members. A puppy, like a child, should be welcome! When growing a baby, everyone will have enough worries and hassle. Growing a puppy of the English Cocker Spaniel is a long and laborious period, bringing both grief and joy. It should be decided who will take care of the baby every day: feed, walk, play, deal with him. Keep in mind that the Cocker Spaniel is a thinking, intelligent, and active dog. A puppy definitely needs systematic lessons and needs daily walks and games from one to three hours a day.

With the advent of a puppy of the English Cocker Spaniel in the family, the lifestyle changes, new hobbies, acquaintances, friends appear. A new family member is a big responsibility!

Choice of english cocker spaniel puppy When deciding whether to buy a puppy, think not about which puppy SHOULD or DO NOT -
and above all, what YOU are able or unable to do for him. Are you ready for responsibility, are you ready for a change in your life routine, are you ready to sacrifice time and effort for your new family member.
 Questionnaire - Questionnaire for potential owners

Do you realize that taking a dog into the family, your life is fundamentally changing for the next 10 years?
did not think about it
Of course, I understand that the rhythm of life will change
I will adjust the lifestyle of the dog for myself and exclude any changes

What do you expect from your dog?
will practice its maintenance with guards and puppies
will be my outlet for boredom
will be my friend

If in the evening, after work, you need to go to visit or a night club?
the dog will wait at home - nothing will happen to her
I’ll pick it up before I leave — take a walk, feed it — and then I’ll go to rest
I'll take with you

How will you plan your vacation?
to take him along with the dog, taking her with him
I’ll hand over to the hotel for animals, while I will be gone
I’ll ask the neighbors to take a closer look, but I won’t send the dog away — I won’t go anywhere
I will give it to my relatives before returning

If you get tired of a dog?
I'll give it back to you
put to sleep
rent a shelter
I’ll let loose somewhere outside the city, and in order not to find the way back, I will tie it to a tree
how can my child get bored?

Place a dog in your family?
guard dog
toy for boredom
full member of the family

If you expect replenishment in the family?
I will give you
rent a shelter
put to sleep
I will prepare the dog for replenishment in the family (I will study literature, consult with you, hire a canine specialist)

How much do you plan to spend on a dog monthly?
20 dollars
50 dollars
100 dollars
I don’t really plan on spending at all

If your dog is sick?
I’ll watch, if it starts to feel worse, I’ll take it to the vet. to the doctor
it will pass, because the proverb - heals like a dog - has not been canceled
I’ll go straight to the vet. to the doctor

If there are moments in the dog’s behavior that will annoy you?
I will not pay attention
 I will give you
I'll give it in good hands
I’ll send them for free bread, if they don’t know how to behave, let them live in freedom
hiring a dog handler for behavior correction

If my future half does not want to live with a dog?
I will give you
rent a shelter
I will try to make them friends

How will you feed the dog?
from the table that I eat it and she
superfood dry food
natural meat (cereals, vegetables)
I’ll buy a chappie for change at the store and let him be glad that they take care of her at all

Should you lose a dog?

I’ll call you right away to help you find
I will look for myself
lost, well, a fool - she abandoned her chance
she will return
How will you build relationships with your dog for the first time?
I’ll build it from the first days, so that I understand who the boss is in the house (screaming, cursing, even beating) in order to quickly obey.
I will study literature for hiring a canine consult with knowledgeable people to help find contact with the dog
gradually I will try to become her friend to gain confidence

If you have questions about keeping a dog?
I will call you
hiring a dog handler
I read literature about dogs
no questions arise - this is a dog, why babysit with her.

How long will you walk the dog?
20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening (if the weather is nice, then I might linger on the street for an hour)
at least an hour in the morning and at least an hour in the evening
 did not think about it

If you are firmly convinced and confident that the English Cocker Spaniel is a dog for you, then you should think about where to look for a puppy, how not to make a mistake and choose it - your one and only one. You should not rely on the advice of friends or on beautiful photos. You need to get acquainted with the baby, you need to love it, look into its eyes and catch that thread of trust that will accompany you all your life.
Each puppy is individual. Some are more active and energetic, others are more gentle and affectionate. Before choosing a dog
it is advisable to look at the pedigree of the puppy’s parents, pay attention to the results of achievements at exhibitions.
 When getting acquainted with a puppy, his family, nursery, you need to pay attention to the homogeneity of the litter. You should look at the conditions of their maintenance, general condition, behavior of puppies, the correctness of their physique. It is advisable to chat with all puppies from the litter. See how the kids are holding on, whether they have fear, intimidation, fear of a person. With proper breeding, education, babies in their behavior are trusting, sociable, playful. Chat, play with puppies, watch them. The best indicator of a puppy's health is his appetite.
Healthy English Cocker Spaniels:
- eyes are clear, shiny, of the same color, the gaze is directed forward;
- the nose is black or in tone with the main color, cold and wet, after sleep it can be dry and warm;
- ears are clean, without discharge and odor;
- correct bite (form of closing of teeth) scissor-shaped 6/6
- the skin on the tummy is smooth without redness, peeling, dandruff;
- the back line is flat;
- forepaws straight, parallel to each other, bony, strong; - on the hind legs the angle of the hock is well defined;
- fingers closed in a lump ("cat's paw");
- straight tail without creases and fused vertebrae;
- Dogs should have two testicles.
Awake healthy puppy is active and curious. He is moderately well-fed, his coat is smooth and shiny.
Choice of english cocker spaniel puppy


Who to choose, your heart will tell you. Usually it does not deceive us. 
 Good luck to everyone, health and a lot of joy from communicating with your dogs!

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